Every project includes a beautiful hardback copy of the book, for each child.
Content can be gathered in two ways:
Contributors can choose to write their own stories and provide their completed manuscript in a Word document (or similar software).
You will receive an extensive writing guide to help you create your content, including writing style tips and guide questions.
£85 per contributor
Story Teller
Talking is often the best way to capture the stories. The contributor will have a 60-minute interview via Zoom, during which they will be expertly interviewed and helped to tell their stories. The content gathered will be professionally written and edited.
Ahead of your interview you will receive a comprehensive guide to help you prepare and maximise this content gathering session.
£135 per contributor
Projects can consist of any combination and number of Creators and/or Story-Tellers.
Each contributor can supply up to 10 photographs. They can choose to purchase their own copy of the book, to keep and treasure.
“There's rosemary, that's for remembrance.
Pray you love, and remember.”
- Hamlet, Act IV, Scene V